
Day: 26 October 2019

Day: 26 October 2019

Sales Weaknesses

[box type=”shadow”] If you are one of the 78% of the business leaders with whom  I have spoken to in 2005, the single biggest challenge you are facing is finding and recruiting excellent sales people. Inwardly you are exasperated. You took a lot of time, spent a lot of money and invested a lot of […]

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Sales and Business Coaching

Performance Lotto. Thoughts on creating a high-performance environment; if you don’t want to leave it to chance. How many of you have ever watched the Simpson’s on TV?  Love them or hate them, I fell off the chair laughing when Homer gave this piece of advice to Bart “If you really want something in this […]

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Top 10 reasons to work with a ‘DoPE’

[box type=”shadow”] Top 10 reasons to hire a Development of Potential Expert You cannot solve today’s issues with yesterday’s strategies. An experienced Development of Potential Expert (DoPE) helps you develop the capacity to handle the increased complexity of your situation. Consider the following… Results Time Awareness Priorities Balance Communication Options Emotional Intelligence Control Clarity Results […]

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