
Career Transitions – Diamond Programme

Career Transitions – Diamond Programme

This is a complete end-to-end solution that takes you along every step of the quest,  from where you are today until you start in the new career that is perfect for you.

Amaze forms an integral part of the whole process to ensure you realise your potential.

This program underpins long-term career planning and movement.

Ideally suited for those who are:

  • In need of practical support throughout the career transition process to guarantee it happens
  • Want someone to support, inspire and challenge you throughout the transition phase, and into the new career?
  • Being made redundant, view this as an opportunity to start afresh but need support to complete the move fully
  • Looking to examine all the elements, as it applies to them, that set exceptional performance apart within a career
  • Considering setting up a business on their own and need help to devise all the elements of a profitable practice
  • Less concerned with cost and are in a position to make the time and financial investment to ensure the right move.



Session Duration

2 to 3  sessions, each about two hours long. Most people feedback that an 8-to-10-week period is ideal to allow them to internalise the insights, validate them, research options, formulate a plan and be fully confident in their decisions and approach. If necessary, we can accelerate this process to be completed over a much shorter timeframe. These sessions are conducted at a time and place that suits you.


Subjects covered.    

  • We look to objectively determine the unique strengths that you have through the use of an online psychometric tool.
  • We spend time understanding what has been missing from your journey to date, what might be holding you back at this current moment in time and appreciating why the process is so important for you.
  • We develop a vision for what the ideal outcome would be and we craft a career vision that is 100% aligned. This is a powerful tool (almost like a compass) to allow you to open up to alternative approaches, methodologies, sectors and roles that you may not have even known existed.
  • We look at the approach and strategy that will best help you make a complete transition towards the successful outcome over the timeframe, address any issues preventing you from moving forward and formulate a plan, ( with steps and actions ), that will carry you through the process.
  • We will construct a plan that will be over short, medium- and long-term timeframes; all of which you know you would want to follow through on.


What’s unique about this option (and why do most people opt for this)?    

Amaze stay connected and involved until you achieve the outcome I want. In some cases, this can take a long period, especially where additional study or other people are involved or where the practicalities of your situation are more complex.


It’s a lifetime support guarantee 24×7; which means you are guaranteed to achieve the outcome but with no extra or hidden costs along the way.





From all the interventions we have worked with to date, we can assure you that….

  • There is always an answer, and it always works out.
  • You know some of the answers already; they are staring you in the face. You may be too close to recognise it.
  • Finding out what to do next week is easy; finding a practical framework for the future that you love, and are good at,  is hard.
  • A process like this depends on what you ‘do’, not what you ‘know’.
  • If you choose not to do anything, nothing will change and the gut feelings that gave rise to the way you currently feel will only intensify.
  • Rarely will the answers become clear as in an epiphany. It will be a “process”, rather than an event.
  • Given how unique we all are, nobody can (or has the right) to tell you what to do. But the conversation will open your eyes
  • The best time to do this is leaving school and deciding on future careers. The second-best time? Now!
  • When you find the way forward, your friends will collectively confirm that you are on the right path; and you will know it yourself.
  • For some, the cost of the service can be more than they thought. That’s understandable.  The feedback from those who deferred the decision or did not proceed is that there is also a price to be paid for making the “wrong decision” or “no decision” at all. And when you make the move you want, it will have been the best value you ever had in your life.
  • It will wreck your head to start a “discovery process” and not follow through to “make it happen”.